Solutions, from which to start, to fight the climate crisis in the Mediterranean area
Three days, 6 sessions
With the Symbola Foundation, chaired by Ermete Realacci, that promotes
Italian “quality” and has launched the “Manifesto of Assisi” (with sponsors
as Confindustria, Coldiretti, Enel Group, Novamont, Sacro Convento di Assisi,
Renzo Piano, Carlo Petrini, founder of Slow Food, Wwf, Legambiente
ASviS, Fondazione Sviluppo Sostenibile, Pontificia Accademia delle Scienze
and green economy companies) we will be presenting solutions, from
which to start, to fight the climate crisis in the Mediterranean area.
The Panel will be divided into three days with different sessions, in which to address 6 thematic areas related to:
The Panel will be divided into three days with different sessions, in which to address 6 thematic areas related to:
EM Climate Change Report
Climate change impacts in the medium
and long term.
Coordinated by Antonio Navarra President of the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change, with scientists and research centres and universities of Mediterranean countries.
Coordinated by Antonio Navarra President of the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change, with scientists and research centres and universities of Mediterranean countries.
Climate – Smart Agriculture
Agriculture and Cliamate Change:
Challenges and opportunities.
Coordinated by AICS, with delegates from FAO, UE, North Africa, scientists and research centres and universities
Coordinated by AICS, with delegates from FAO, UE, North Africa, scientists and research centres and universities
Water and Climate Crisis
Climate change is disrupting weather patterns, leading
to extreme weather events, unpredictable water availability, exacerbating water scarcity and contaminating water supplies. The world needs to get water smart.
Energy transition
The energy transition based on the production
of renewable energies. Technologies, governance
and policies for mitigation and adaptation in different countries and on a regional scale.
Investment and development agendas.
Emergency management
Discussion with directors and managers of the
Civil Protection Agencies in the Mediterranean countries, coordinated by Fabrizio Curcio Head of the Italian Civil Protection Department.
Adaptation and Mitigation
Strategy and Programmes of Action on adaptation
and mitigation to climate change,
coordinated by Minister for Southern Italy and Territorial
Cohesion and Italian Territorial Cohesion Agency.